The conference takes place at Vlerick Business School, located in the historical city centre of Leuven. The address is Vlamingenstraat 83, 3000 Leuven or see Google Maps:
The registration and lunches take place on the ground floor of the building. The plenary sessions will take place in the auditorium A2.01, and the poster sessions will be held in front of the auditorium.
The conference dinner will take place on Friday evening at Restaurant De Oude Kantien. The restaurant is located at a 30-minute lovely walk from the conference venue. If the weather permits, we will walk there together. Otherwise, there is a possibility of taking the bus. Address: Restaurant De Oude Kantien, Kantineplein 3, 3001 Leuven; Google Maps:
To reach the Vlerick Business School, take the train to Leuven Station. Going from the station to the School by foot is a pleasant 25-minute walk through the historic city centre.
We have arranged special prices for conference participants at the Penta Hotel, which is located close to the conference venue. A reservation link will be provided upon registration.