MU-CEN: Maastricht University CEnter of Neuroeconomics

Neuroeconomics Talks 2018 – Conference Website

We are excited to announce the “Maastricht University – Neuroeconomics Talks 2018” (MU-NET) on Friday April 13th2018 at the School of Business and Economics in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

Neuroeconomics is a young and interdisciplinary field that combines insights and tools from psychology, economics and neuroscience to unravel the neural computations underlying decision-making. MU-NET aims to bring together leading scholars to discuss the state of the art and the future perspectives of this highly dynamic field and to give young researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their work.

We are delighted to have the following line-up of speakers:

• Nathaniel Daw (Princeton University)
• Adele Diederich (Jacobs University)
• Alan Sanfey (Radboud University)
• Christian Ruff (University of Zurich)
• Federico de Martino (Maastricht University)
• Uma Karmarkar (UC San Diego)
• Hauke Heekeren (Freie Universität Berlin) and
• Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Zurich)

Moreover, we are hosting a poster session during which you can present your own work. If you would like to present a poster, please click here to submit a short abstract of your work (400 words max) until 16th of February 2018The poster submission deadline has been extended to 23rd of February.  You can find the call for poster abstracts here. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 2nd of March 2018.

The symposium will be fully catered and will be concluded with a social dinner.

We also welcome registrations from students and researchers who would like to attend the talks but who are not presenting posters.

Registration is now open! You can register here until March 28. 

To see the final program, click here.

The symposium will take place at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (Tongersestraat 53) .

Please take care to arrange your accommodation as early as possible; availability is already rather limited due to multiple events taking place in Maastricht on that day.

Below you can find a list of hotels/B&Bs/hostel in Maastricht:


Bed & Breakfast/Hostels:

For Travel Information to Maastricht you can click here

For any questions please send an email to:

We look forward to seeing you soon in Maastricht!