
Daylín Góngora
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics
Research areas: Cognitive neuroscience, Neuroimaging

Hyemi Jin
PhD Student
Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics
Research areas: neuroeconomics, experimental economics, behavioral economics and social decision-making.

Charlotte Kroll
PhD Student
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics
Research areas: Social Neuroscience, (pro-)social decision-making, psychoneuroendocrinology, psychopharmacology, reinforcement learning

Nicolas Kurtenbach
PhD Student
Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics
Research areas: Uncertainty, Nudging, Behavioural Economics

Federico de Martino
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
My research is focused on linking computational models of sensory processing (and in particular audition) to mesoscopic measures of brain activity. I focus on the use of high spatial resolution functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and ultra high fields (7 Tesla and above). This allows me to investigate the processing in both subcortical structures and within cortical layers and columns. I use these approaches to investigate how mesoscopic computations allow us to make sense of contextual information in sounds and for predictions of what we are most likely going to hear next.

Joyce Mertens
PhD Student
Department of Finance
Research areas: Experimental and Behavioral Finance, Neurofinance, Social and Psychological Decision (Neuro-)Science
Former Members

Giannis Lois
University of Crete

Paul Smeets
University of Amsterdam

Eveline Vandewal
CBS – Statistics Netherlands